Monday, February 18, 2013

Today is L and L tomorrow NBM

It's almost here!  Kidney out day is tomorrow, today was laxatives and liquids and lots of trips to the bathroom!  Tomorrow will be nothing by mouth!
I will be so glad to have this over with.  I know my "travel companion" will be also.  Even though I may be a little uncomfortable for awhile at least the scourge of cancer will be gone for now.  It has been a two year  trial to guess what will happen next.  I also realize that two years isn't all that long for some people have real long struggles with this disease!  But like my Aunt Irene use to say, "Getting old is not for sissies" and she was right!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Nothing is constant but change!

Okay nothing is always what we at first believe it will be.  Apparently, the kidney was hiding a cancerous tumor after all.  I have surgery scheduled to remove the right kidney and the ureter tube that empties into the bladder.  The surgery will be Feb.19th in Scottsdale.  Once the kidney is out the doc says that the cancer is self-contained and I will not need chemo or radiation therapy.  Once it is gone it is gone and that is really good news!
My travel companion has been very helpful and supportive.  She likes the surgeon and has confidence  in the decision.  Now I just can't wait to have it over and be able to play with the kids when we get to Oregon!
In the meantime I drink lots of water and try and stay healthy.